Online Registration
The Royal Rosarians
Big Al's Beaverton
14950 SW Barrows Rd
Beaverton, OR 97007
United States of America

This marks the 10th year for the Bowling with Heart event fundraiser.   All proceeds fund research grants at Doenbecher Children's Hospital for cures of child diseases.

Please arrive at 9:00am.   Bowlers will be arriving at 9:15am.   We will stay until the bowling begins at 11:00am or you are welcome to register and bowl for this wonderful organization.   

We will greet guests on arrival.  Sticky roses will be available.

Time:         9:00am - 11:00 am

Location:   Big Al's Beaverton, 14950 SW Barrows Rd, Beaverton OR  97007

Attire:        Whites with capes, gloves and hats.  Green jacket with black pants for new members without their whites